Profile of State Audit Department:
Audit Department
State Audit Department is the statutory auditing authority of Local Bodies and various other authorities in Telangana as listed in the schedule appended to the State Audit Act. This department works under the administrative control of Finance Department, Government of Telangana.. The power to issue charge and surcharge certificates on audit for the recovery of losses sustained by the Local Authority as disclosed in audit, is vested with the Director of State Audit vide section 10 of the Telangana State Audit Act,1989 and Rule 9 of the State Audit Rules,2000. The Vision of this department is to promote excellence in audit thereby improving the quality of Governance in Local Bodies. The department places the “Consolidated Audit and Review report’ every year in the state Legislature as per the statutory obligation under Sec 11 of State Audit Act. Its Mission is to enhance the accountability of the executives to the legislatures of the local bodies. This department in other words ensures financial discipline in all the Local authorities, hence the State Audit Department can be considered to be the watch dog on the financial transactions of Local Bodies and other Institutions.
Vision & Mission
To promote excellence in State Audit and Local Fund Accounting Services towards improving the quality of Governance in Local bodies and other institutions audited by State Audit Department.
To enhance accountability of all the 3 tiers in Panchayaths, Municipal Corporations/Municipalities, Other Local authorities and any other institution entrusted by Government of Telangana by carrying out audit, in accordance with the provisions of Telangana State Audit Act,1989.
CONTACT NO: +91-9441607950
Functions Of the Department
- Conducting audit on the accounts of Local Bodies and various other authorities and ensuring the financial accountability of these institutions.
- Conducting special audits if any as entrusted by the Government
- Placing a consolidated State Audit and Review Report every year in the State Legislature as required under State Audit Act 1989.
- Besides the auditorial functions of the above Local bodies/Institutions, the following are the non-auditorial functions of the department.
- Authorisation/Certification of Pensionary benefits and issue of Pension Payment Orders and Gratuity Payment Orders to the Non-Teaching staff of Panchayat Raj Bodies and employees of Municipalities, Zilla Grandhalaya Samastha, Universities and Certain temples.
- Authorisation of Pensionary benefits and issue of Pension Payment Orders and Gratuity Payment Orders to Head Constables, Police Constables, Excise Constables, Forest Guards and Other Class-IV employees belonging to the Government service.
- Pre – Check of pay fixations under Revised Pay Scales from time to time and check of the amounts of arrears due to the teaching and non-teaching staff of all Aided Schools and Colleges including those under Private Management.
- Pre – Check of pay fixation statements in the Revised U G C Scales of pay of teaching staff of Private Aided Degree Colleges.
- Pre – Check of correctness of the pay fixations of teaching and non-teaching staff working in Social Welfare residential educational Institutions Society.
- Issue of Utilization Certificates after countersigning them in respect of the grants released to Local Bodies by the State and Central Governments and its Agencies especially the grants released under State Disaster Relief fund/CMRF etc.
- This department also plays an advisory role in dealing with the finances of local bodies.
Total No of Auditable Institutions as on 01.04.2024 in Peddapalli District |
Audit Authority:
- State Audit Act 1989
- State Audit Rules 2000
- The Telangana Panchayat Raj Act 1994, Section 266
- The Telangana Municipalities Act 1965, Section 127-A & 128
- The Telangana (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Rules 1969, Section 88 to 96
- The Telangana Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions & Endowments Act 1987, Section 57 to 64
- The Telangana Public Libraries Act 1960, Section 22
- GO Rt No 1565 Finance & Planning (FW.Admn.II) Department, Dated 23.08.1985 (Regarding Audit on the Accounts of Relief Accounts i.e. State Disaster Response Fund Grants)
- O.Ms.No.4 Planning (VII) Dept. dt.15-04-2015 & 5.G.O.Rt.No.429 Planning (VII) Dept. dt.03-09-2015. ( Regarding Constituency Development Fund)
Auditing Procedure :
- Intimation to the Auditable Institutions regarding the date of commencement of Audit for the preceding financial year
- Issue of Half Margin Letter for Production of Records.
- Conducting of Audit
- Pointing out procedural & financial irregularities
- Raising objections in the form of Audit Paras and preparation of Audit Report on the accounts of Auditable Institution
- Communication of Audit Report to the Executive Authority along with the special letter on surchargable paras.
- Receiving suitable replies from Executive Authority.
- Settlement of objections in the form of Dropping Paras / Recovery of Amounts
- Conducting local verification after lapse of 120 days from the date of receipt of Audit Report and Special Letter on the Surchargable Para’s.
- Surcharging the Misappropriations and Frauds under section – 10 of the AP State Audit Act 1989.
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