Date | Description | Document |
03-02-2025 | Land Acuistion -Industrial Park /MSME Vill:Medipalli Mandal:Ramagiri land required 203.31 Acres | View/Download. |
Date | Description | Document |
17-12-2024 | Land Acquistion-& CAD -Minor Irrigation- Mission Kakatiya Peddapalli District- Kothapalli H/o Bommareddipalli Village of Dharmaram Mandal ACS 17.37 gts required for the purpose of Formation of Madarikandi Cheruvu | View/Download. |
Date | Description | Document |
02-12-2024 | Construction of ROB in lieu of LC No 39 at Railway KM 292/22-24 of Kazipet-Balharsha section Peddapalli -Kalvasrirampur road Village Peddapalli, Mandal Peddapalli District Peddapalli more or less AC 3.07 1/4 gts | View/Download |
Date | Description | Document |
26-03-2024 | Extension date Construction of Ash Dyke Stage-II Telangana STTP Project -Moghalpahad Village -Anthergaon Mandal Peddapalli District | View/Download. |
Date | Description | Document |
05-09-2024 | Construction of Ash Dyke Stage-II Telangana STTP Project -Moghalpahad Village -Anthergaon Mandal Peddapalli District | View/Download. |
Date | Description | Document |
18-03-2024 | Village Mustyala Mandal ramagiri Dist Peddapalli AC -55-08 Gts -GOdavarikhani coal mine 2,2a&5 | View/Download |
15-03-2024 | Sundilla Village, Ramagiri Mandaal of Peddapalli District AC 47-26 Gts -Godavarikhani Coal Mine 2,2A &5 | View/Download |
15-03-2024 | Budhavarampet Village ,Ramagiri Mandal,Peddapalli District ac 88-20 gts Ramagundam open cast -II | View/Download |
21-01-2024 | Construction of ROB in lieu of LC No 39 Kazipet- Balharsha section Peddapalli-Kalvasrirampur road total land Ac.2.27 1/4 gts | View/Download |
03-01-2024 |
Construction of bridge portion on manair river Khammampalli village mutharam mandal Acs 3.29 guntas |
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12-01-2024 |
Formation of new tank khanmaplli viallage dharamaram mandal Acs 31.24 -1/2 guntas |
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12-01-2024 |
Excavation of approach channel Ramagundam lift irrigation mumur village anthorgoan mandal Acs 0.14 Guntas |
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20-01-2024 |
Land Acquisition -1&CAD -Kaleshwaram Project -Peddapalli District Manthani village & Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of Acs.33.35 – Manthani |
05-05-2023 |
Construction of Substation approach road from Road Bridge at KM 21.765 On D-83 canal to Kachapur KVA Station |
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05-05-2023 |
Construction of HLB across river Godavari near Mancherial from Mancherial to Basanthanagar Via Anthergaon of Peddapalli District Total LAND 13.12 -Transport, Roads& Buildings (R-II) |
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10-04-2023 | I&CAD –SRSP-Peddapalli District- Bommareddipalli Village of Dharmaram Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of Acs.44.04 gts required for the purpose of Constuction of Minor & sub-Minors on Distributory D-83 Canal in the limits of Bommareddypalli Village of Dharamaram Mandal | |
11-01-2023 |
PUBLICATION OF DECLARATION-Total 3.29 acres land is required in the Khammampalli village of Mutharam (MNT) Mandal,Peddapalli District for Public Purpose ,namely “Construction of Bridge Portion on Manair River at Km 3/8 on khammampalli-Bhoopalpally road from km 0/0 to 20/0” |
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30-05-2022 |
Preliminary Notification-total of (31.24 1/2) acres of Patta / Govt. lands specified in the “Schedule”below situated in the limits of Khanampalli village of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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30-05-2022 |
Preliminary Notification-total of (17.37) acres of Patta / Govt. lands specified in the “Schedule” below situated in the limits of Kothapalli H/o Bommareddipalli village of Dharmararn Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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28-05-2022 |
Preliminary Notification-total of (0. 14) acres of Patta lands specified in the “schedule,, below situated in the limits of Murmur village of Anthergaon Mandal, peddapalli District. |
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23-03-2022 | PUBLICATION OF DECLARATION total (44.04) acres of patta / Govt. for public purpose, namely to wit,a “construction of Minors & sub-Minors on Distributory D-83 near Bommareddipalli viilage” in the limits of .Bommareddipalli village of Dharmaram Mandal, peddapalli District. | view/Download |
18-02-2022 | total (48.33 1 12) acres of patta / Govt. for public purpose, to wit, for “Construction of Minors & Sub-Minors on Distributory D-83,, in Pathipaka & Mallapur villages of Dharmaram Mandal, peddapalli District. | View/Download |
29-01-2022 |
Publication of Declaration-total (O.29) acres of, Patta for public purpose, namely to wit, Course of Medaram Reservoir under Kaleshwaram Project, Package 07″ in the limits of Medaram Village of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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11-01-2022 | Preliminary Notification-that a total of 3.29 acres Patta and Govt. land is required in Khammampalli Village of Mutharm(MNT) Mandal of Peddapalli District for a public purpose, namely “Construction of Bridge on Manair river at Km 3/8 on Khammampalli-Bhoopalpally road from 0/0 to 20/0 | View/download |
17-12-2021 | Publication of Declaration-the total extent of Ac.45-01. Gts. Govt. land is required in jangaon Village, Ramagundam Mandal of Peddapalli District for a public purpose. | View/download |
08-12-2021 | Preliminary Notification-Peddapalli District Sundilla village of Ramagiri Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent ofAcs.’18.38 gts required for the purpose of “Construction of Barrage with radial gates, hoisting arrangements including the formation of Guide bunds on either side of banks across Godavari river under Kateshwaram Project in the timits of Sunditta vittage of Ramagiri Mandal | View/Download |
24-11-2021 | Preliminary Notification- that a total of 33.35 acres land is required in Manthani Village of Manthani Mandal, Peddaoalti District for public purpose, namely ‘submergence area covered under Annaram Barrage at +119.OO Mts level under Kaleshwaram Project” limits of Manthani Village of Manthani Mandal, Peddapalli District | View/Download |
24-11-2021 | Preliminary Notification- that a total of 37.27 acres land is required in Khanaour Village of Manthani Mandal of Peddapalli District for public purpose, namely “Submergence area covered under Annaram Barrage at +119.00 Mts level under Kaleshwaram Project” limits of Khanapur Village of Manthani Mandal, Peddapalli District | View/Download |
24-11-2021 |
Preliminary Notification-total (5.29) acres of Patta / Govt. for a public purpose, namely to wit, for “Submergence for the level +130.00 mts under Sundilla Barrage” in the limits of Janagaon village of Ramagundam Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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08-10-2021 |
Preliminary Notification-total of (48.33 ll2) acres of Patta / Govt. lands specified in the Schedule below situated in the limits of Pathipaka and Mallapur villages of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli Distric. |
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27-09-2021 |
Preliminary Notification-total of (44.04) acres of Patta / Govt. lands specified in the “Schedule” below situated in the limits of Bommareddipalli village of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli District is required for a public purpose |
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17-09-2021 | Preliminary Notification- a total of (0,2g) acres of Patta land specified in the “schedule” below situated in the limits of Medaram village of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli District is required for public purpose to wit for “surplus Course of Medaram Reservoir under Kaleshwaram Project. | View/Download |
09-04-2021 | PROCEEDING- Land Acquisition -I&CAD -Kaleshwaram Project -Peddapalli District Sundilla village of Ramagiri Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of Acs.30.07gts required for the purpose of “Construction of Barrage | View/Download |
02-09-2021 |
Publication of Declaration-total (48.37) acres of patta / Govt. for public purpose, namely to wit, for”Submergence for the level +130.00 mts under Sundilla Barrage” in the limits of Malkapur village of Ramagundam Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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24-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-87.38 acres Land is required in the Ammagaripalli Village of Manthani Mandal Peddapalli District for a public purpose, namely to wit “for construction of Barrage | View/Download |
24-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-96.16 acres land is required in the Khansaipeta Village of Manthani Mandal Peddapalli District for a public purpose, namely to wit “for construction of Barrage | View/Download |
10-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-0.20 acres land is required in the Manthani Village of Manthani Mandal Peddapalli District for a public purpose, namely to wit “Providing of house sites for weaker section” | View/Download |
03-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-0.17 1/2 acres of land is required in the Mustyala Village of Ramagiri Mandal Peddapalli District for a public purpose, namely to wit “for construction of Graveyard under Kateshwaram Project” | View/Download |
03-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-1.16 acres and is required in the Manthani Village of Manthani Mandat Peddapalti District for a public purpose, namely to wit “Relocation of Ritual Structures, Grave Yard | View/Download |
03-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-Ac.80-09.G1s. the land is required in Upperlakes,ramagri village of Ramagiri Mandal of Peddapalli District for public purposes, namely, SCCL | View/Download |
03-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-0.20 acres of land is required in the Siripuram Village of Manthani Mandat Peddaoalti District for a public purpose, namely to wit “for construction of Graveyard. | View/Download |
03-08-2021 |
Preliminary Notification-the land is required in the Jangaon village of Ramagundam Mandal, Peddapalli District for a public purpose. |
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03-08-2021 | Publication of Declaration-Ac.6-1S.Gts. the land is required in Jangaon Village, Ramagundam Mandal of Peddapalli District for a public purpose- SCCL | View/Download |
03-08-2021 |
Publication of Declaration-(49.15) acres of Patta/Govt. land specified in the “Schedule” below situated. in the limits of Medaram, Chamanapalli, and Sayampet villages of Dharmaram Mandal, Peddapalli District is required for public purpose to wit for “Execution of Lift Irrigation Scheme. |
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08-07-2021 | PROCEEDING- Land Acquisition -I&CAD -Kaleshwaram Project -Peddapalli District Arenda village of manthani Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of Acs.24.29gts required for the purpose of “Construction of Barrage. | View/Download |
08-07-2021 | PROCEEDING-land Acquisition -I&CAD -Kaleshwararm project -Peddapalli District Arenda village of Manthani Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of” Acs.152.34gts required for the, purpose of “Construction of Barrage. | View/Download |
08-07-2021 | PROCEEDING-Land Acquisition -I&CAD -Kaleshwaram Project -Peddapalli District Sarnepalli village of Manthani Mandal- Acquisition of land for an extent of Acs.6-03gts required for the purpose of “Construction of Barrage. | View/Download |
14-06-2021 | Land Acquisition -SC Railway-Peddapalli village & Mandal – Construction of proposed third line between Balharshah and Kazipet | View/Download |
30-05-2021 | Publication of Declaration-(0.06) acres of Patta for a public purpose, namely to wit, for “Formation of Right Side approach BT Road for Sripada Yellampalli Project” | View/Download |
05-05-2021 |
Publication of Declaration-(38.36) acres of Patta for a public purpose, namely to wit, for construction of barrage with radial gates, hoisting arrangements including the formation of Guide bunds on either side of banks across Godavari River” in the limits of Janagaon village of Ramagundam Mandal, Peddapalli District. |
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17-03-2021 | Preliminary Notification-1.15 acres Patta land is required in Manthani Village of Manthani Mandal of Peddapatli District for a public purpose, namely “Relocation of Ritual Structures, Grave Yard, Cremation Blocks at Manthani Pushkar Ghat covered under Annaram Barrage | View/Download |