The District Veterinary & Animal Husbandry officer, Peddapalli is situated on the Railway Station Road, Hanman Nagar, Peddapalli District. The District comprises (14) Mandals and (02) Revenue Divisions – Peddapalli & Manthani – Peddapalli is its Headquarter. River Godavari passes through Peddapalli District and the entire District is covered under SRSP command area. The district is known for its Paddy to produce followed by Cotton and Maize and dotted by many rice mills and spinning mills. And also producing Milk, Meat & egg production from the Livestock Farmers.
The Office of the District Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Officer, Peddapalli functioning from 11th day of October,2016 established under formation of New Districts in Telangana State.
II The main objective of the Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Department are
- Health Care of Livestock
- Disease Investigation and prevention and control of certain infections & contagious diseases
- Feed & Fodder Development so as to increase the availability of quality nutrition to the existing stock to increase their productivity.
- Breed Improvement program through cross breeding and upgrading to increase the genetic potential of Livestock for increased production.
- Extension activities and training programs for both the professionals and farmers for better understanding and implementation of production programs.
- Implementation of various poverty alleviation programs of Veterinary& Animal Husbandry Department State & Central Government.
III. Structure:
The District Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Officer is headed by the District Level and having both Technical & Administrative powers and assisted by one Assistant Director (V&AH) in the O/o DV&AHO. At the Field Level (3) Area Veterinary Hospitals, (20) Primary Veterinary Centers and (15) Sub-Centers located mainly at Taluqa Head quarters, Mandal & big village Headquarters which divided in to (14) Mandals and (2) Revenue Divisions function under the Technical and Administrative Control of the DV&AHO
The Livestock population of the District is as follows :
White |
Black |
Total |
Sheep |
Goat |
Total |
Poultry |
Others |
Total Population |
55,946 |
90,633 |
1,46,579 |
3,07,686 |
76,075 |
3,83,761 |
9,88,540 |
8,3796 |
Institutional Network and Man Power:
Sl.No |
Name of the Constituency |
AVHs |
PVCs |
SC(AH)s |
MVCs |
Gopalamitras |
1 |
Peddapalli |
1 |
10 |
9 |
1 |
18 |
2 |
Manthani |
1 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
3 |
Ramagundam |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
15 |
4 |
Dharmapuri |
0 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Total |
3 |
20 |
15 |
3 |
45 |
Area Vety Hospitals manned by Assistant Directors(AH), PVCs Manned by Vety.Asst.Surgeons and Subcenters are manned by Para Veterinarians. The post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon of PVC Puttapaka vacant. The VAS PVC Mutharam is on deputation to work at ADDL Karimnagar District. The VAS PVC Thakkalapally of Palakurthy Mandal is prosecuting M.V.Sc course for (2) years. The VAS PVC Kamanpur is under Suspension since 29.03.2024. SC(AH) Pandilla of Srirampur Mandal, SC(AH) Dongaturthy of Dharmaram Mandal, SC(AH) Kanagarthy, SC(AH) Gumpula of Odela Mandal is vacant. The institutions working by alternate arrangement of Paravets.
1.Deworming Programmes:
To control the internal parasites thereby to improve health, weight and reproductive performance of the animals, and for better marketing… thereby doubling the income of the livestock rearers Department is conducting timely free Mass Dewormimg Programme in Sheep, Goat and Cattle.
Sheep & Goat Deworming Programmes:
Every year we are conducting Mass Deworming programme twice in the year. But this year S&G Deworming programme was not conducted as Deworming medicines were not supplied from the Head Office.
2.Vaccination Programmes:
As “prevention is better than cure” for prevention, control and eradication of infectious and contagious diseases, for prevention of outbreak and spread of the diseases and to meet the international obligations of India for facilitating import and export of animals and animal products it is mandatory to vaccinate livestock periodically just before onset of each season.
NADCP (National Animal Disease Control Programme) Vaccination Programmes:
Sl. No |
Actitvity |
Target |
Achievement |
Percentage |
Cattle Vaccination Programmes |
1 |
Foot & Mouth Disease Vaccination (1st Round) (2024-25) October-November 2024 |
1,20,000 |
1,01,360 |
84% |
3 |
Lumpy Skin Disease Vaccination (2024-25) of June 2024 |
55,946 |
50,447 |
90% |
IInd round FMD Vaccination programme is scheduled in the month of February 2025.
Sheep & Goat Vaccination Programmes:
Sl. No |
Actitvity |
Target |
Achievement |
Percentage |
Sheep & Goat Vaccination Programmes |
1 |
Blue Tongue Vaccination (July 2024) |
3,83,761 |
3,31,334 |
86% |
2 |
PPR (Peste Des Petitis Ruminants) September 2024) |
3,83,761 |
3,64,062 |
94% |
3. |
Sheep and Goat Pox Vaccination ( started on 04.02.2025) |
2,30,256 |
1,56,297 |
68% |
Seasonal Vaccinations
Seasonal Vaccinations were conducted in Endemic areas of the District
HS Vaccination – 4689
BQ Vaccination – 4792
ET Vaccination – 19582
This year we have conducted (320) Theilariosis Vaccinations in Cross Breed Cattle.
CSF Vaccine (Classical Swine Flu Vaccination) Programme is started on 26.11.2024 till today we have conducted 646 vaccinations in pigs.
Anti- Rabies Vaccination: This year we have vaccinated (4156) Anti-Rabies Vaccinations in Dogs in this District.
FUNCTIONAL INDICATOR | ANNUAL TARGETS | Progressive Target April 2024 to January 2025 | Achievement April 2024 to January 2025 | % April 2024 to January 2025 |
450000 |
372150 |
395936 |
106% |
1162000 |
597200 |
436834 |
73% |
1300 |
690 |
1071 |
155% |
1959000 |
1717700 |
1370039 |
80% |
15000 |
12850 |
11002 |
86% |
4400 |
4059 |
4196 |
103% |
20000 |
17415 |
16649 |
96% |
234 |
195 |
273 |
140% |
234 |
202 |
216 |
10% |
- 21st Livestock Census : 21st Livestock Census Program is started in the month of October 2024. Total (88) Enumerators and (17) Supervisors were appointed and they have trained in Enumeration Program and 60% enumeration work is completed.
- Flock Registration : Flock Registration for small ruminants in Bharat Pashudhan app is also started from 1st September 2024. Till today we registered 3216 flocks and 2,96,407 Sheep, 55,379, Goat and 745 Pigs were registered in the Bharath Pashudhan app.
7.Mobile Veterinary Clinics (MVC)
The main purpose of 1962 Mobile Veterinary Clinic Services are to provide year round access to meet the emergency and critical care demands of the livestock. Timely and prompt delivery of the veterinary services at door step of the livestock owner in the critical and ill health animals with the valid reasons.
(03) Mobile Veterinary Clinics are working at Constitution wise in Peddapalli District.
- a) Peddapalli.
- b)
- C) Ramagundam
Note:- Every MVC is equipped with One Doctor, One Paravet, Attendant and one Driver.
Sl. No |
Constituency |
Vehicle No |
Contact Number |
April 2024 to January 2025 |
Calls Assigned |
Animals Treated |
1 |
Peddapally |
TS09UB5401 |
7993362734 |
2146 |
2843 |
2 |
Ramagundam |
TS09UB5209 |
7993300789 |
2564 |
2781 |
3 |
Manthani |
TS09UB5398 |
7993300793 |
2986 |
3016 |
Total |
7696 |
8640 |
District Vety. & Animal Husbandry Officer